Hi Folks, Don’t we all need cheering up, so we have some great news from the Cotton Print. We are NOT moving!! Hurray!! The Biggest fabric shop in Scotland is staying put! All of our fabulous new ranges are in store along with new displays. The latest fabrics for 2022 including new craft, designer velvets,…
Hi Folks, The Cotton Prints latest update. Thankfully after an awful year between the lockdowns and the flood, our shop is finally getting back to normal. We are not moving premises as we couldn’t find anywhere that filled our needs, so all the work is now getting carried out to make the shop even better.…
Sale ending soon
Hi Folks, Happy new year to all of our customers. just to let you all know our January sale is finishing on Tuesday 18th January at 4pm. There will be discounted fabrics still available through out the shop. hope to see you all soon. stay safe.
Dear Customers It was so wonderful to open the doors of the Cotton Print and receive such a warm welcome from our fabulous customers. 14 weeks we were closed due to the flood and by gosh were we missed. The girls worked their socks off, without a break ,to get through the 2 hour queue…
***RE – OPENING***
FINALLY!! We can give you all the date you’ve all been waiting on. Saturday the 16th of October at 9.30am the cotton print is reopening with the biggest flood sale EVER!! Absolutely everything reduced @ CRAZY PRICES Looking forward to seeing you all mind wear a mask and stay safe.
**customer update**
Hi folks, Just a little update on the shop. Sorry I haven’t updated sooner but I was in bed with Covid thankfully on the mend now. We still don’t have a date for reopening but all going we are hoping for early October. If we have any updates we will post it straight away. When…
** update on shop still closed just now **
hi folks , another update. we have the dehumidifiers still in the shop and the insurers are still dealing with everything. unfortunately we still don’t have a date just yet but like all our customers we cant wait to get back up and running but what we can tell you is when we do open…
Hi folks, just a quick update to let all our customers know, we are still closed due to the flood and no date just yet for reopening. We think it could be a couple of weeks before we can open. As soon as we have a date we will let everyone know. Thanks for everyone’s…
Getting back to “normal”
Hi Folks, its so good to be back and the shop is slowly getting back to “normal”. we are pleased to update everyone that the 2 levels will be back open from Saturday 5th June. stay safe and hope to see everyone soon.